Excuse the ongoing string of DS106 Daily Creates for a special milestone.

Thirteen years ago or 4743 days ago today was the TDC1, the very first Daily Create (Internet Archive link) calling for photos of repeating patterns. Think of how much of the internet, the world, has changed since January 8, 2012, and how much of the web has decayed away.

Going all the way back to TDC1

Yet, DS106 and its Daily Create go on. Every day. Without a miss. Without paywalls or ads or data surveillance. 

Share a photo or a drawing or if you insist, some AI regurgitated image that capture not only the idea of a pattern that repeats but also one that does it over time. Or remix some of the flickr tagged ones that still exist

Better yet, invite someone new to join in, and keep the energy going, repeating, onwards. As the old rebel cry goes, “#4Life”

NEW! Responses to this Daily Create are added directly to the site if you reply to it in Mastodon. We recommend following @creating@daily.ds106.us so you can find this post. Otherwise, search for it as the oldest post tagged tdc4744.

Lastly, you can your reply here as a comment. In all cases, please include tag #tdc4744 to indicate this Daily Create

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This Daily Create has been recycled from previously published ones:

@ds106dc #tdc1418 thank you ds106 https://t.co/X34JJslQll (Dec 2, 2015)

4 Responses to “#tdc4744 #ds106 #4Life Repeating Patterns of 13 Years of Daily Creating”

  1. Alan Levine

    @creating #tdc4744 #ds106 On repeating patterns on the 13th birthday of the #dailycreate The patterns are in our snow fence, they are uniform, but also bend and twist in the wind. But more interesting are the wave shadow patterns they create in the snow.https://www.flickr.com/photos/cogdog/54247390043Also back tagging to the very first one #tdc1 and sending out a h/t to @timmmmyboy who built the first gen of the Daily Create, something still alive on the web, w/o ads or fees or surveillance.


  1.  13 years of the Daily Create | NomadWarMachine

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