Today is Robert the Bruce’s birthday. Remember the story of the spider?

According to a legend, at some point while he was on the run after the 1305 Battle of Methven, Bruce hid in a cave where he observed a spider spinning a web, trying to make a connection from one area of the cave’s roof to another. It tried and failed twice, but began again and succeeded on the third attempt. Inspired by this, Bruce returned to inflict a series of defeats on the English, thus winning him more supporters and eventual victory. The story serves to illustrate the maxim: “if at first you don’t succeed, try try try again.” Other versions have Bruce in a small house watching the spider try to make its connection between two roof beams. Wikipedia

Design a spider-themed birthday tribute for Robert the Bruce

Radio Times - 1923-10-26 - page 162 (Cecil Glossop)

Cecil Glossop (cartoon)Anon (remainder), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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