What is it?

Vaguebooking is any update on a social network (although primarily Facebook) that is intentionally vague. Status updates which fall under the category of vaguebooking can be long or short, but most comprise just a few simple words.

Buzzfeed is trying to defend it.

Here at ds106? We co-opt it! Sign in now.

What kind of statusing like this can happen in ds106?

We read them every day in our ds106 feed. “I can’t right GIF now,” my former student proclaims. “I don’t understand the remixing process,” a colleague writes delphically one morning. A famous blogger tops quips with an ominous “Bored. Waiting on 10 spoofed book covers.”

Run with it.

ds106booking the lazy daily create googling

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This Daily Create has been recycled from previously published ones:

#tdc2108 Vaguebooking? Passé. Now It’s ds106booking. (Oct 17, 2017)

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