A two-page spread of a field journal with colored illustrated diagrams and handwritten notes

(image source: National Park Service Field Notes)

The United States National Park Service has a collection of interesting “field notes” from a few of its parks, and through visuals and text, the notes show active scientific minds at work. Scan through the field note from the National Park Service, and then get your remix hat on. How might you enhance and honor the field notes through media remix.

The National Park Service Field Notes: https://www.nps.gov/im/ncbn/field-notes.htm 

This October, join the National Writing Project and the National Park Service for a STEAM-powered Write Out 2022. Organized as a public invitation to get out and create, supported by a series of free online activities, Write Out invites educators, students, and families to explore national parks and other public spaces. The goal is to connect and learn through place-based writing and sharing. Learn more and sign up: https://writeout.nwp.org

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