Countdown animation modified from Wikimedia Commons Seven segment display-animated shared under a CC BY-SA license

We are coming up this month to the 10th anniversary of the DS106 Daily Create and will be celebrating in many ways. We are counting down the 10 most popular Daily Creates of all time, measured by the number of responses. For today, pick one to re-create (and even add to the total. Or go the extra DS106 kilometer and combine all 3 into one!

Get ready as we countdown to the most popular of all time.

#10 All Time Popular by Responses

Redo #tdc1979 Hashtag Peace Music Playlist #30dayTDC by @dogtrax originally published June 10, 2017 with 42 responses

“Hands Around the World: Creative Peace Murals in Westminster Hall” flickr photo by UK Parliament shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC) license

Let’s turn the Hashtag into a Peace Music Playlist today. It’s simple. Find a song with a message of peace from YouTube or Soundcloud, and then share it out with the hashtag. Come back and listen to the songs of others. Spread the peace.

We can start with this one by OAR called “Peace.”

What’s yours?

#9 All Time Popular by Responses

Redo#tdc1709 A Dozen of Anything EXCEPT Eggs originally published September 12, 2016 with 42 responses

Make a photo of 12 interesting things. Or tasty things.

12 Krispy Kreme Donuts - CC licensed photo from Wikimedia Commons

12 Krispy Kreme Donuts – CC licensed photo from Wikimedia Commons

#8 All Time Popular by Responses

Redo #tdc1740 Rain or shine, your city/town/burg is beautiful. Show us the magic originally published October 13, 2016 with 43 responses

Celebrate the season wherever you live (Autumn in the northern Hemisphere, Spring in the southern) by getting out in the streets today and photographing the beauty that is the moment.

If you’re housebound, turn your camera to the window. Compose your shot. Make it beautiful.

Post your response to @[email protected] and be sure to include the hashtag #tdc3643

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  1.  “I’d Love to Change the World” |

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