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One Response to “#tdc2723 #ds106 Write a story about this picture”

  1. Casey Corning

    We were sitting in a bar named Plonk drinking our $5 wines. It had been a powerful week. Learning about writing and the teaching of it and the making of friendships that would last beyond the residency. Lindsey waved the waiter over and asked him to take our photo. Nine of us squeezed into the shot and laughed as we moved away from such close proximity to each other. We had read each others’ writing; was physical proximity any more intimate than knowing that? As the waiter returned the camera, his elbow hit Anna’s glass and red wine went flying all over her. Her expression seemed to last forever as if time had only stopped for her – her mouth wide open and frozen. We began calling for napkins and salt and soda water and blotting and wiping and consoling. And she began to laugh and I hugged her and more wine was poured. The magic restored.


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