Make yourself a retro computer portrait! The C64 Yourself site converts any image into something that would look at home on a Commodore 64 screen.

@Felixadog is a Commodore 64 screen character

@Felixadog is a Commodore 64 screen character

We realize some of you were not even born when the Commodore 64 was cutting edge technology. Bone up on your history!

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  1.  We’re Going Into The Grid | Learning Nuggets
  2.  INTE 5340: Week Six – Nimbostratus Photography
  3.  64 bit me: Daily Create #1647 | Oliver Batchelor
  4.  8-Bit Realitaly | bavatuesdays
  5.  Daily Create 1647: C64 Yourself | Clare Timblin Online
  6.  C-64 8 Bit Graphics | TechIntersect
  7.  #tdc3644 #ds106 Countdown to 10 Years of the Daily Create: 7th, 6th, and 5th Most Responded Ones | The DS106 Daily Create

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