From the mind of Kurt Vonnegut (or at least the person writing his tweets). Bring his wish to life for your name.

Post your response to @[email protected] and be sure to include the hashtag #tdc4807

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This Daily Create has been recycled from previously published ones:

#tdc2028 What item should be named after you? (Jul 29, 2017)

0 Responses Posted for this Daily Create

13 Responses to “#tdc4807 #ds106 What item should be named after you?”

  1. coolsurferdude4461

    @creating #tdc4807 #ds106 Well, as you might have guessed, I already have something named after me. Now back in the day, I never hung out with people who drank hot toddys. We were mostly the any cheap beer kinda fellas. And as you can tell from this advertisement, only men drank the hot toddy. I don't know why that is? Also it was lots of guys in sweaters. Anyways, I guess that is what I'd have named after me. Pretty lucky, eh?

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