Kaleido-Trip1” flickr photo by Leland Green shared into the public domain using (PDM)

Imagine you find a kaleidoscope. You put it up to your eye, and point it to the sky. You twist it into the light.

What do you see?

Use either story or poem or words or image or art to bring us into the colorful world of your tumbling tube.

Post your response to @[email protected] and be sure to include the hashtag #tdc4794

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This Daily Create has been recycled from previously published ones:

#tdc2340 Twisting the Kaleidoscope (Jun 6, 2018)

0 Responses Posted for this Daily Create

8 Responses to “#tdc4794 #ds106 Twisting the Kaleidoscope”

  1. coolsurferdude4461

    @creating #tdc4794 #ds106
    Trippin' in a tube spiral spiralling spinning
    center radiating redoubling radial arcs lines and dots
    green or blue or red redundant doubled again and again repeat on
    there –
    now it is gone and another born
    broken and healed the center no, now the end or the beginning
    just a lovely too many shimmers of time wrapped in a shape or color or movement in just a moment.
    I am lucky to see trip into the the moment it is there.

    image made with https://permadi.com/java/spaint/spaint.html

  2. ryee

    @creating #tdc4794 I found a kaleidoscope camera lens and took a photo of a plant from the place I work! I’m getting into the hobby of indoor plant care and I’m sooo excited about it


  1.  Twisting the Kaleidoscope | NomadWarMachine

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