Feb 26th is National Tell a Fairy Tale Day. Tell us a fairy tale about magic, enchantment and mythical beasts.

Freesia Fairy

Freesia Fairy flickr photo by Duchess Flux shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC) license 

Post your response to @[email protected] and be sure to include the hashtag #tdc4793

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11 Responses to “#tdc4793 #ds106 One upon a time …”

  1. Sarah Honeychurch

    @creating #tdc4793 My response for today's #ds106 #DailyCreate

    Once upon a time a dragon lived in a cave, breathing fire and eating any maiden that approached. The king of the land, concerned at the lack of available maidens to marry his young princes, offered a handsome reward to any brave knight who would capture the dragon.
    The dragon was duly captured by a brave knight, and now lives on, immortalised, in this silver pen.

  2. Coni

    @creating #tdc4793 #ds106 Once upon a time, Hansel and Gretel ran away from their cruel parents. They stumbled onto a gingerbread house where everything was made of candy. A witch greeted them and took them inside. They told her their story and she told them they couldn't go back and she would raise them now. She taught them to be a powerful wizard and witch, and when they became old enough, she sent them back to their parents and Hansel and Gretel turned their evil parents into frogs. The End!

  3. coolsurferdude4461

    @creating #tdc4793 #ds106
    Ed stumbled out of the dirty green door like the cigarette he had just dropped getting off his crusty bar stool. Outside, the snow fell glistening from the street light like the glitter in a snow globe and for a moment, Ed thought, "Magic."
    Turning to go back inside, he caught a glimpse of himself in the reflection of the broken bar window. He could just make out the tangle of hair upon his head and his glasses, slightly askew. Ed whispered, "I am a beast."

  4. Cinder

    @creating #tdc4793 #ds106 Once upon a time there was a prince who climbed the highest tower in an enchanted forest to slay the rumored dragon who was keeping a princess hostage. At the top, he was surprised when the dragon spoke a feminine voice revealing that she was the long lost Princess who was cursed by a witch to be a dragon until rescued by a prince who would break the seal and return her to normal.

  5. Rusul

    @creating #tdc4793 #ds106 Two twin sisters, Ayla and Lila, were born under a rare blue moon, sharing everything except their dreams. Ayla's dreams were filled with fields of light, while Lila wandered through dark forests. One night, their dreams intertwined, and they found each other at the edge of a lake, where light met darkness. Holding hands, they realized that together, they could walk on water, bridging their worlds and discovering that balance lies in embracing both light and shadow

  6. maddie_m

    @creating #tdc4793 #ds106 Once upon a time in a magic forest there was a woman named Ana. Ana did not know it, but she had magic dwelling within her. This was because she was once a Goddess who longed to experience human life, so she took away her own memories and became a human. As a human, she fell in love, had children, created a community, and helped others. Eventually, her magic powers could no longer contain themselves, so she began a journey to understand how and why she had these powers.

  7. Mae B

    #tdc4793 #ds106 One upon a time …

    Princess Mira of the enchanted forest had the power to speak to the great creatures that roamed her land, including the mighty Thunder Beast. When an evil sorcerer cast a spell to drain the kingdom’s magic, Mira called upon the Thunder Beast, whose roar shattered the dark enchantment. With the magic restored, Mira and her mythical friends protected the kingdom, ensuring that peace and enchantment would forever reign.

  8. rylie7teal

    @creating #tdc4793 #ds106
    "There once was a frog, who lived at a pond. He was picked up one sunny day by a young lady in a beautiful outfit. The frog could not believe his eyes! The girl kissed the frog gently on the lips, looked at him sadly, and put him back down. The frog went back to his life at the pond, now knowing what love could feel like."

  9. alewis22

    @creating #tdc4793 #ds106

    Once upon a time there was a little mermaid who was fascinated with the land, but her father forbid her from visiting or exploring the land. One day there’s a ship wreck and the mermaid saves a nice young man’s life who was drowning. Eventually the mermaid and man form a relationship and fall in love but her father forbids it. The mermaid trades her voice for legs with an evil sea witch so she’s able to go on land and pursue her lover. (Ran out of space)

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