Whatever you commonly look at/your POV, take a picture from the opposite direction to see what it looks like from the other side. So if you look at the floor a lot, take a picture from the floor’s angle of vision. Looking out the window? Take a picture of what you would see if you were looking in from the other side.
Post your response to @[email protected] and be sure to include the hashtag #tdc4792
This Daily Create has been recycled from previously published ones:
• #tdc2916 #ds106 Take an “opposite view” picture (Jan 6, 2020)
Paul Bond
@creating #tdc4792 #ds106 I spend most of the day looking at the other side of the screen.
Sarah Honeychurch
@creating #TDC4792 #DS106 Spending the day working at this machine
@creating #tdc4792 a #ds106 musical interlude –
Let's trip on back to 72, at least the release date, and jump up in time to 2006 with David and Richard asking, "Wot's Uh, the Deal?"
Cuz, "Heaven sent the promised land
Looks alright from where I stand
'Cause I'm the man on the outside looking in.."
Perspective man, yeah, that's the ticket. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jt3WTpc37Fg
@creating #tdc4792 #ds106
My Village.
Eric Likness
@toddconaway @creating Now that, that right there, that's a DESK.
@creating #tdc4792 #ds106
I spend way too much time on my laptop
@creating #tdc4792
sitting outside since it is so nice out finally!
@livkern @creating #tdc4792 #ds106 #ds106 I think we might have sat in the same spot
@livkern @creating I'm glad you're enjoying the weather!
@creating #tdc4792 #ds106
I spend most of my time at my desk
Mae B
#tdc4792 #ds106 "Opposite view" Pic
This is what my phone sees when I'm in a group chat with my besties, hehehe