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This Daily Create has been recycled from previously published ones:

#tdc2300 Make a Gif using a scene from your favorite movie and then tell us why this movie is your favorite! (Apr 27, 2018)

0 Responses Posted for this Daily Create

18 Responses to “#tdc4791 #ds106 Make a Gif using a scene from your favorite movie and then tell us why this movie is your favorite!”

  1. Alan Levine

    @creating #tdc4791 #ds106 The glory DS106 days of Movie Scene GIFS (hey where is the IWDRM tumblr?).

    For no reliable good reason as a kiI loved the Bridge Over the River Kwai, maybe it was the end scene that was always a thrill. I created it twice in Giphy but it choked on publishing, so resorted to downloading a 72 MB GIF, screen recording to get a video version.

    Witness the Madness Madness of a Bridge Over the River 2025.

  2. Mae B


    #tdc4791 #ds106 Gif of my favorite movie

    This gif is of Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality. It's hard to pick a single favorite movie but this one will always be in my top list. I love this movie because it humorous and because I love the message in it about this strong female character who learned about self-love and self-acceptance.

    I also can relate to this GIF when I'm hungry 😂 "I'm starved and I'm armed. Don't mess with me" hahah

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