You probably know the rhyme about magpies:

One for sorrow,
Two for joy,
Three for a girl,
Four for a boy,
Five for silver,
Six for gold,
Seven for a secret,
Never to be told.

And it continues, in some versions, up to thirteen. Continue this rhyme further to tell us what it would be 106 for.

Magpies flickr photo by NomadWarMachine shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) license

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12 Responses to “#tdc4777 #ds106 106 for …?”

  1. Coni

    @creating Here is my poem #tdc4777 #ds106 One hundred is for luck And even some winningsPlus one is for knowledgeAnd lots of new beginnings One hundred and three is for loveOne hundred and four is for warWe know this is where all is fairFrom the history that has come beforeOne hundred and five means boredomSo skip to one hundred and sixThis for telling a storyAnd learning lots of cool tricks

  2. coolsurferdude4461

    @creating #tdc4777 #ds106 One hundred and threefor @jimgroom at a spelling bee.One hundred and fouris waiting for @cogdog to even the score.One hundred and fiveis just hoping to keep the rhyme alivetill one hundred and sixwhen we all jump into the mix.And there he is, there at one hundred and seven, the great Alan Liddell! We are here wishing youand the revolution well.

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