Do you prefer a ham and mustard sandwich, or would you rather eat free range chicken between slices of sourdough? Apparently some sandwich fillings are more ‘woke’ than others.

Share your choice of sandwich with us and give it a score between10 (so woke my eyes are permanently wide open) to 0 (I spend my whole life snoozing).

#089 Avocado Brie Ham Sandwich

#089 Avocado Brie Ham Sandwich” flickr photo by Like_the_Grand_Canyon shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC) license

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12 Responses to “#tdc4766 #ds106 How woke is your sandwich?”

  1. ryee

    @creating #tdc4766 not my photo but one of my favorite sandwiches to get at a deli is a roast beef! I give it a 6 out of ten because I feel like it’s not as woke as it could be.

  2. coolsurferdude4461

    @creating #tdc4766 #ds106 #DailyCreate

    So I went to look at the images used in the #DailyCreate example thinking, "Hey, I like the Grand Canyon too!"

    Well, turns out this person has taken lots of nice food images & been to many places.

    But only 187 images 71,405 are of the Canyon.

    Names and labels are often misleading.

    I prefer my "sandwich" to be chunks of cheese, some olives, & nice chunks of really good sourdough. Why smash together perfectly perfect things?

  3. Cinder

    @creating #tdc4766 #ds106 My favorite sandwich is the turkey hero I used to eat growing up in New York. Considering the ingredients I don’t think there’s anything woke about it so I would rate it 1/10 for wokeness

  4. Rusul

    @creating #tdc4766 #ds106

    Sandwich is from an Indian restaurant called EggHolic. I don't remember exactly what was in there but I just know it was one of the best sandwiches I've ever had! it's too woke! 10/10

  5. Carson Frank

    @creating #ds106 #tdc4766

    My sandwich choice is one I frequently get during lunchtime includes ham, turkey, and salami with pepper jack cheese. My "woke" choice is topping is probably getting spinach, along with tomato, onions, and chipotle mayo.

    Overall, I would give it a 6/10 score because not many people us Spinach or get 3 meats.

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