I am not sure what the prompt is for this one, but check out this site — Anti-Tag Clouds – that flips the idea of Word Clouds. Instead of highlighting the words IN a text, it looks for words NOT in the text.

Some ideas for a prompt:

*Make art out of what gets generated

*Use the words to write your own story

*Make your own Anti-Tag-Cloud

*Find a page in a book and do your version

Post your response to @[email protected] and be sure to include the hashtag #tdc4765

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9 Responses to “#tdc4765 #ds106 The Anti-Word-Cloud”

  1. ryee

    @creating #tdc4765 I was not able to get as cool of a list but here is the least used words in the first chapter of the book I am reading right now! This is Holly by Stephen King


  1.  Getting creative with the Daily Create | raptnrent.me
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