I am not sure what the prompt is for this one, but check out this site — Anti-Tag Clouds – that flips the idea of Word Clouds. Instead of highlighting the words IN a text, it looks for words NOT in the text.
Some ideas for a prompt:
*Make art out of what gets generated
*Use the words to write your own story
*Make your own Anti-Tag-Cloud
*Find a page in a book and do your version
Post your response to @[email protected] and be sure to include the hashtag #tdc4765
Sarah Honeychurch
@creating #tdc4765 #ds106 The Anti-Word-Cloud from Problems of Philosophy.
Philosophy has many problems, but these are not amongst them
Paul Bond
@creating Not the first image that comes to mind with The Great Gatsby #tdc4765 #ds106
@creating #tdc4765
I decided to do the book Anna Karenina, which I have not read, but I would really like to read it in the near future!
@creating #tdc4765 I was not able to get as cool of a list but here is the least used words in the first chapter of the book I am reading right now! This is Holly by Stephen King
@creating #tdc4765 This is an illustration of the first 6 words in the Anti-Cloud from The Great Gatsby
@creating #tdc4765 #ds106
I'm currently reading Pride and Prejudice so I thought it would be fun to put together some graphics of the first 4 words that are listed.
Take a guess at what these words are!
Carson Frank
My #tdc4765 idea was to take the Anti-Tag-Cloud and turn that back into a word cloud, using Pride and Prejudice.