The DS106 Daily Create is now itself part of the “Fediverse”- this web site acts like its own Mastodon instance, meaning every challenge is now published under the account `@creating`.

What’s even better, when you reply directly to a specific Daily Create in Mastodon, your response will be automatically added to the web version of that TDC. You get credit! Points! Maybe we will rebuild the leaderboard.

To find us in Mastodon, do a search on that name, using the option for “profiles matching…”. Click the result and voila! See us in Mastodon:

But alas, there is an empty spot in that profile. Sad. There is place for a header image.

Your challenge today is to design us a header image that best captures the idea and spirit of the DS106 Daily Create. This is best done in an image of proportions 1500px wide by 500px wide.

The best header image as indicated by favorites and/or our independent jury of experts will become part of our Mastodon profile and you will be given oodles of credit in our bio.

Make us look gooooooood.

Post your response to @[email protected] and be sure to include the hashtag #tdc4764

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0 Responses Posted for this Daily Create

24 Responses to “#tdc4764 #ds106 Design Our Header Image”

  1. Mae B


    #tdc4764 #ds106 #DailyCreate
    Design Our Header Image

    I made this using Canva. I chose this type of background because DS106 Daily Create is part of the "Fediverse" now, so I thought it would be cool to add a background that looked like a technological universe. I'm not sure if that makes any sense, but that was my thought process for this 😅

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