DS106 Radio is 14 years old today! Tune into https://listen.ds106rad.io and see if we can push the listener count to double digits.
Share a birthday song, whisper it in audio as a sound file or bake it a cake. Remember the key words “We Jam Econo”
Ethel has it down pat!
Post your response to @[email protected] and be sure to include the hashtag #tdc4759
@creating #tdc4759 #ds106 #DS106Radio
Bear and friends from the blue house wish DS106 Radio a happy birthday
@creating and listening in – on the dial right now is
"Make The World Go Round (Deep Dish Radio Edit)" by Sandy B on WFMU Lite on WFMU
Sarah Honeychurch
@creating I am currently the only listener – just changed over to "Vapor Trail" by Ride. Thank you #DS106Radio #tdc4759 #ds106 https://soundcloud.com/nomad-war-machine/thank-you
Eric Likness
@nomadwarmachine @creating Oh that swirly, jangley, phase-shifting guitar intro. Then you fade away,…
Paul Bond
@creating Word is there will be an hour of retro game music from the 80s and early 90s starting at 7pm. If #ds106 people want to recommend birthday songs I will see if I can get them on #ds106radio at 5. #tdc4759
Sarah Honeychurch
@phb256 @creating I expect 5pm will be too late for me here (I can only listen till about 7:30 GMT) and probably just as well as I like really long prog rock songs – but here's a ver short bit of Camel anyway https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XoUZhMWnzs&ab_channel=pecho2006
@creating #tdc4759 #ds106 #DS106Radio
Happy Birthday!! I hope you like the Minions.
Currently listening to "Kill City" by Iggy Pop and James Williamson on Spectrum Audio on WFMU
@creating #ds106 #ds106radio #tdc4759 Happy birthday! I chose the song that I love sending to my friends because it has such a good beat!
Carson Frank
@creating #tdc4759 #ds106 #DS106Radio
Currently listening to
"solid state" by vanity mirror on Pseu's Thing With A Hook on WFMU
One of my favorite birthday songs, although a fairly long one, is by Stevie Wonder.
@creating #tdc4759 happy birthday DS106 Radio!! Here is a happy birthday song, sung by the robot Curiosity on Mars for its 4th birthday! Don't let it tug your heart strings…
@creating #tdc4759 #ds106 #DS106Radio @tdc
Throwback Thursday.
I think 2014 running Phoenix marathon in a cotton shirt. I learned my lesson.
@toddconaway @creating @tdc
Represent no matter the cost. 💪
@Rusul @creating @tdc True.
Back before we had an Official #ds106 Athletic Club, we had a simple hiking club. This from 2011. Me and my kid before or after a day or two in the Grand Canyon.
@toddconaway @creating @tdc
I love hiking! sounds like you guys had fun.
Alan Levine
@creating #tdc4759 Sending the big birthday kisses to @ds106radio and we should share our thanks to the radiofather @grantpotter
No time to do much, so I cracked open an creaky old edtech cover song "I'm a Reclaimer" as tribute of hosts of everything #ds106 @reclaimhosting
Sarah Honeychurch
@cogdog @creating @ds106radio @grantpotter @reclaimhosting I think you need your own show on #DS106Radio #DS106
John Johnston
@creating #tdc4759 #ds106 Happy 14th Birthday to #DS106Radio 4 listeners now! Many Happy Reruns;-) I did a quick local search for audio files with 106 in the name and have quite a few here. No happy birthday songs. One from 2012 https://johnjohnston.info/106/ds106-confusion/
@creating #tds4759
Here is the happy birthday song by Stevie Wonder that my high school oceanography teacher always played!