“You must practice being stupid, dumb, unthinking, empty. Then you will be able to DO… Try to do some BAD work — the worst you can think of and see what happens but mainly relax and let everything go to hell — you are not responsible for the world — you are only responsible for your work — so DO IT.”
Sol Lewitt, quoted by Austin Kleon
Make some bad art today. Go on, do your worst!
Post your response to @[email protected] and be sure to include the hashtag #tdc4757
This Daily Create has been recycled from previously published ones:
• #tdc3547 #ds106 Make bad art! (Sep 28, 2021)
Sarah Honeychurch
@creating #tdc4757 My response for today's #ds106 #DailyCreate is using this website https://www.languageisavirus.com/visual-poetry/mosaic.php
@creating #tdc4757 #dailycreate #ds106
For today's Daily Create, I designed a Canva poster featuring hand-drawn graphics.
@Rusul @creating If that is your worst, you are doing pretty damn good! #ds106
@creating #tdc4757 #dailycreate #ds106 This daily create theme was bad art so the first thing that popped into my head was kindergarten drawings so I drew a picture similar to a kid
Sarah Honeychurch
@NairCinders @creating I think that's lovely – I always like people who draw cats 😻
@NairCinders @creating This is damn good! #ds106
@creating #tdc4757 I spent a good amount of last night freaking out about after graduation. Looking for houses, worrying about student debt and taxes, and finally the job search. So I made a collage of the things I was looking at last night. Pretty bad if i do say so myself
@ryee @creating More than bad art, just the scary reality we live in. Can tech save us? I doubt it. #ds106
@creating #tdc4757 decided to do a tribute to the iconic Sammy D. Eagle! i'm sure they would appreciate the effort!
@livkern @creating I showed this to Sammy and they said good job!
@coni @creating im honored!!
@livkern @creating A little school spirit never hurt the cause. #ds106
Carson Frank
@creating #ds106 #tdc4757 #dailycreate
My first thought after seeing stupid and empty was to go into nature and mindlessly make an ugly piece of art with my surroundings.