Capture the audio sounds of you knocking on a door, or a table, or some other material. Go for ordinary or go for strange (you know which we like).

If it helps, crank the Rolling Stones Can’t You Hear Me Knocking on your headphones (but no you cannot use that song as a Daily Create, you gotta create it yerself)

(CC0 licensed audio by anagar found on Freesound)

Yes. We hear you. Knocking. Who are you?

This might be a good time to try posting your audio files to Soundcloud

Post your response to @[email protected] and be sure to include the hashtag #tdc4703

Post to Mastodon

This Daily Create has been recycled from previously published ones:

#tdc1475 Can’t You Hear Me Knocking? (Jan 22, 2016)
#tdc1784 Can’t You Hear Me Knocking? (Nov 26, 2016)

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