If you remember the old days of having to scan a piece of paper on a machine to get a digital version to send to some official entoity, well, the digital documents were not always crisp as the cloud eeks out these days.

Use LookScanned  to “crapify” a PDF so it looks like it is a badly rendered scan. Why? Because you can with this nifty web site. Just find some semi official PDF (we suggest not using your tax return or mortgage docments, but that’s on you).

I was able to find my DS106 diploma and run it through LookScanned (okay, I actually generated a fake diploma 5 minutes ago with Photofunia) Whatever you got for a crisp clean PODF, see how much you can degrade it.

DS106 Unibersity To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting Be it knoton that cogoog having honorably fultilled all the requirements imposed by the authorities of this Institution, the President and the trustees of D5106 University, upon recommendation of the faculty, do therefore conter the degree of Slastet ot 四igital storptelling with all the Donors, Rights, and Privileges to that degree appertaining.

Yes! My genuine DS106 University Diploma, note the official signatures

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