(Download the image or the PDF from Elise Hurst’s site for The Storyteller’s Handbook)
If you have not yet come across The Storyteller’s Handbook by Elise Hurst, you’ve been missing out on an extraordinary collection of illustrations designed to spark stories and creativity. It’s an amazing collection of 52 works of art with the aim of storytelling. You can’t look at her illustrations and NOT wonder at the stories that could be told. And then, get started writing those stories.

For today’s Daily Create, we’re going to use an activity using a drawing that Hurst has featured at her book’s website. The drawing is called “Mystery Dogs.”
Use the image or the PDF (see links above), and we invite you to either add a visual layer to her artwork of these dogs, or maybe tell the story of the scene itself, or use the Mystery Dogs to do something else. (What would Mystery Cats be doing, we wonder?)
Learn more about the book:
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