What might you enjoy seeing on a window? Something to hang on your window like these two suncatchers? Create a stained glass design for a window.

Photo by @HAKretschmer
Or perhaps a stained-glass window panel, like this one by Tim Mossholder on Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/green-yellow-brown-and-blue-stained-glass-942322/
Create a stained glass design of something that would be fun to see on a window somewhere, maybe at home, or at work, or even in a public building. It could be an object, animal, scene, or something abstract. Need some inspiration? Try this Random Sentence Generator for interesting sentences like “He loved eating his bananas in hot dog buns.”
This daily create was inspired by my grandfather, who worked as a welder and did lovely stained glass suncatchers in his free time.
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