What is the music for this scene? Or maybe write the dialogue. From the Library of congress public domain collection…

Riveting team working on the cockpit shell of a B-25 [i.e. C-47] bomber at the plant of North American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood [i.e. Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach], Calif.   (LOC)

Riveting team working on the cockpit shell of a B-25 [i.e. C-47] bomber at the plant of North American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood [i.e. Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach], Calif. (LOC) flickr photo by The Library of Congress shared with no copyright restriction (Flickr Commons)

“Photo shows a woman and man working on a Douglas Aircraft Company cockpit shell identified as a C-47 based on the window outline. Although sometimes called a ‘biscuit bomber,’ the plane was for transport.”

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