0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 … The Fibonacci Numbers.

Can you see the pattern? It’s not just math, it occurs in nature. Find a representation of them out on the world (without literally using numbers). Here are some ideas to get you started looking

BUT REMEMBER- Daily Creators MAKE art, they don’t just google and use someone else’s!

The patterns of Helianthus annuus aka sunflower demonstrate the natural occurrence of the Fibonacci numbers (Wikimedia Commons image)

The patterns of Helianthus annuus aka sunflower demonstrate the natural occurrence of the Fibonacci numbers (Wikimedia Commons image)

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  1.  DS106 Daily Create #tdc1604: Beauty truly is in the eyes of the beholder… – soztheo.me
  2.  Fibonacci in nature | NomadWarMachine

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