#tdc3478 #ds106 holoalphabetic sentences This Daily Create published July 21st, 2021 --shared by @nomadwarmachine-- has 6 responses and 914 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc3475 #ds106 Paraprosdokian This Daily Create published July 18th, 2021 --shared by @nomadwarmachine-- has 5 responses and 1376 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc3468 #ds106 Draw an artful fish This Daily Create published July 11th, 2021 --shared by @nomadwarmachine-- has 8 responses and 1358 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc3464 #ds106 Space animals This Daily Create published July 7th, 2021 --shared by @nomadwarmachine-- has 8 responses and 1183 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc3458 #ds106 Tell us a joke This Daily Create published July 1st, 2021 --shared by @nomadwarmachine-- has 12 responses and 1236 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc3456 #ds106 Where’s Bernie? This Daily Create published June 29th, 2021 --shared by @nomadwarmachine-- has 9 responses and 1251 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc3450 #ds106 Make some random art today This Daily Create published June 23rd, 2021 --shared by @NomadWarMachine-- has 19 responses and 1194 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc3446 #ds106 Today (19th June) is Juneteenth This Daily Create published June 19th, 2021 --shared by @nomadwarmachine-- has 11 responses and 1268 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc3441 #ds106 Frog and Toad This Daily Create published June 14th, 2021 --shared by @nomadwarmachine-- has 9 responses and 1521 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc3435 #ds106 Useless superpower This Daily Create published June 8th, 2021 --shared by @nomadwarmachine-- has 18 responses and 1284 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc3431 #ds106 Hooray it’s the 4th of June This Daily Create published June 4th, 2021 --shared by @nomadwarmachine-- has 11 responses and 1431 views Respond to This Daily Create
#tdc3429 #ds106 Think of a word This Daily Create published June 2nd, 2021 --shared by @nomadwarmachine-- has 8 responses and 1467 views Respond to This Daily Create