Recent Create Responses
Out of 32944 total responses to 3476 dailies.
@ds106dc #tdc3989 #ds106 @dogtrax
— H. Kretschmer (@HAKretschmer) December 15, 2022
I just took this picture this morning. Although the pic doesn't show an individual snowflake, I like how the snow piled on the thistles makes the thistles look like poodle heads. I can imagine the thistle heads bounding over for dog treats.
@ds106dc #tdc3988 #ds106 @NomadWarMachine
— H. Kretschmer (@HAKretschmer) December 14, 2022
German Primate Center in Göttingen:
Using MRI, a non-invasive medical imaging technique, scientists research the cognitive abilities of the brains of primates, in particular the brains of rhesus monkeys.
#dailycreate #tdc3988 #ds106 'you hum it son, I'll play it'
— Sarah Honeychurch (@NomadWarMachine) December 14, 2022
@ds106dc #tdc3987 #ds106 #dailycreate maybe: where did you get that hat?
— Sarah Honeychurch (@NomadWarMachine) December 13, 2022