Recent Create Responses
Out of 32944 total responses to 3474 dailies.
@ds106dc #tdc4039 #ds106 @dogtrax
— H. Kretschmer (@HAKretschmer) February 3, 2023
The plot thickens using the constraint of fully justified monospace text (=same number of characters per line), which I learned about from Chris Kerr at the last #ConstraintCreativity meet up.
pinging @OnlineCrsLady
@ds106dc #tdc4039 #dailycreate #ds106 This stuff thickens most things
— Sarah Honeychurch (@NomadWarMachine) February 3, 2023
@ds106dc #tdc4036 #ds106 @ronald_2008
— H. Kretschmer (@HAKretschmer) February 2, 2023
Used my tootsies to maneuver these game pieces into something resembling my initials. Fun little challenge!
@ds106dc #tdc4038 #ds106 #dailycreate Two bits of good news. A photo by me chosen for inclusion in this lovely article. Also got notification that an article I wrote has been accepted for publication soon. 😀
— Sarah Honeychurch (@NomadWarMachine) February 2, 2023
@ds106dc #tdc4038 @Ronald_2008 #ds106
— H. Kretschmer (@HAKretschmer) February 2, 2023
Very easy Daily Create for me today. The latest issue of MindBrainEd Think Tank went online earlier today. @cogdog took the photo featured on our cover. 👇