Recent Create Responses
Out of 32944 total responses to 3481 dailies.
@_levato #pxc001 The White Man's Burden placed heavy on the backs of the dizzying/dying/deceased. @ds106dc #tdc1340
— Ms Clara Hope (@msclarahope) September 9, 2015
#pxc001 #poetry #tdc1340 @_levato @ds106dc We hide our wavering identities whist running from the truth
— Andrew Boswell (@Boscoe1213) September 9, 2015
@_levato #pxc001 #poetry @ds106dc #tdc1340if you got time to look back (past) you are missing the best of the present
— melissa (@melissam88273) September 9, 2015
To achieve peace out of chaos is a fool's errand.@_levato #pxc001 #poetry @ds106dc #tdc1340
— John McMahan (@jmcmahan68) September 9, 2015
@ds106dc #tdc1340 @_levato #pxc001 We think we're the peak of evolution's powers, but everything has consequences. We can hurt, and be hurt.
— Mitchell Eubank (@MitchellEubank1) September 9, 2015
@ds106dc #tdc1339 #ds106 would you like to use my handkerchief, let me dry your tears. Now we go outside for a walk & a nose of fresh air.
— AnnaCow (@AnnyCow) September 9, 2015
Cheer up Kelsey!@ds106dc #tdc1339
— emmasaxophone (@emmasaxophone) September 9, 2015
@ds106dc @KelseyStanbro #tdc1339 Cheer up! This puppy wishes you the best!
— Amanda Radoye (@MandaaLynnn) September 9, 2015