Recent Create Responses
Out of 32944 total responses to 3434 dailies.
@ds106dc #tdc1378 Menday: like mend-day. Not to be confused with men-day, which doesn't exist.
— Tori Lear (@Tori_Lear4) October 17, 2015
@ds106dc #tdc1378 My response for Today's #ds106 Daily Create is Recovday
— Adam Hoff (@swimmerdude79) October 17, 2015
#tdc1377 @ds106dc Tales of yore. When the English fought the French, and the English fought the English.
— Kirk James (@forumwonly) October 17, 2015
@ds106dc #tdc1377
— Jerome Mueller (@Emorelleum106) October 17, 2015
Sometimes you rode the tank, sometimes you carried the tank.
@ds106dc #tdc1377 The 1960s a time of Suits, Smokes, and Slicked back hair. Making the business deals everyday
— Aaron Dyke (@ShaquilleOPeel) October 17, 2015
@ds106dc My favorite era in history was the Revolutionary War #tdc1377
— Bloody Face (@BloodyFace106) October 16, 2015