Recent Create Responses
Out of 32944 total responses to 3426 dailies.
After surveying the mess, Clem instantly regretted shooting down the Columbian drug runner plane. @ds106dc #tdc1521
— Brian M (@CrackedKenshin) March 8, 2016
@ds106dc #tdc1521 #ds106 #western106 "Jeepers! Another Nat'l Refuge ripe for the picking or my name ain't Ammon Bundy!"
— Sandy Brown Jensen (@sandramardene) March 8, 2016
Moooooo GIFs COW #diglitclass @ds106dc #tdc1520
— Mayra pelayo (@Mayrapelayo6) March 8, 2016
@ds106dc For my daily create, I got creative and did a Minecraft animated cow! #tdc1520 #diglitclass
— Brayla Jane Miller (@JaneBrayla) March 8, 2016
.@ds106dc #tdc1462 "The secret to life is..." ENJOY IT. #INTE5340
— Dustin Pettit (@DPettit_edu) March 8, 2016
This cow is crazy weird #ds106 @ds106dc #tdc1520
— Lindsey M (@lmccuist0) March 7, 2016
@ds106dc #tdc1520 My response for Today's #ds106 Daily Create is: Keep on mooving into the afterlife
— Mariana (@mdvfunes) March 7, 2016