Recent Create Responses
Out of 32944 total responses to 3437 dailies.
@eng304cripps @ds106dc #TDC
— Sam Arangio (@sarangio7) March 30, 2022
My story starts with a lightbulb dropping into a fish tank then the fish dies and turns into a ghost. I hop on my computer and send a email telling my friends my fish died.
While editing my backyard rocket tutorial before submitting to SkillShare, a squirrel ran down the white pine next to the garage and stole the last slice of pizza off the picnic table. I had been saving that slice for dinner. @ds106dc #ds106 #tdc3729
— Ben Rimes (@techsavvyed) March 29, 2022
@ds106dc #tdc3729 My response for Today's #ds106 Daily Create is while a robot was stuck in the middle of the ocean on a sailboat, the only things he was able to do was eat banana ice cream and read the paper
— Olivia Foster (@OliviaF98845588) March 29, 2022
#tdc3729 #ds106
— WorldEmpress (@WorldEmpress1) March 29, 2022
Joe was having a mouse problem. Those mice kept eating his fish. So Joe set traps for them. However, the mice caught on. Using the few tools they had they sabotaged Joe's bike. Joe crashed, cursing out the mice as he applied bandaids to his wounds.
A drone captures an interesting site to behold: a ghost welcoming in creatures of the night for a music sesh under the moonlight. #ds106 #tdc3729 @ds106dc
— BriannaMarie (@BriannaDAlbis) March 29, 2022