Recent Create Responses
Out of 32944 total responses to 3427 dailies.
Daily Create #8: Tongue Twister! @ds106dc #tdc1523 #ILT5340
— Sara Herkes (@Athena53) March 10, 2016
@ds106dc #tdc1523 My response for Today's #ds106 Daily Create is: A message for @cogdog from the future
— Mariana (@mdvfunes) March 10, 2016
#tdc1523 #ds106 @ds106dc My Daily Create took a different direction today: drawing memories of wildfire. #western106
— Sandy Brown Jensen (@sandramardene) March 10, 2016
Garreth grounded Gretchen grubling gratuitously granting her no more gum. @ds106dc #tdc1523 #ds106
— Andrew Slupek (@aslupek40) March 10, 2016
@ds106dc #tdc1523 @MamaRalston2 Shrewd Susan rudderlessly rowed ruthlessly through the tiny stream in her groaning gondola
— Under Taker (@Untertacker) March 10, 2016
Maybe Mariana masticates malevolent, malcontent moocs missed by midday Mondays. Tongue Twister #ds106 for @mdvfunes @ds106dc #tdc1523
— Jeffrey Keefer (@JeffreyKeefer) March 10, 2016