Recent Create Responses
Out of 32944 total responses to 3437 dailies.
Guy on left: "Is that the guy you recruited?"
— Gracie Ouellette (@GracieOuellett1) April 7, 2022
Guy on right: "Yeah, watch him. He's amazing"
Guy on left: "Are you sure that's the guy?"
Guy on right: "He was better on TV"@ds106dc @eng304cripps #tdc3737 #stopmakingmemakejokes
@eng304cripps #tdc3737 awoogah.... yet another aliens encounter...
— 🐛Monkey 🍌 (@Shdw_Mnky1224) April 7, 2022
@ds106dc @eng304cripps #tdc3737
— Slacrete111 (@slacrete111) April 6, 2022
You really think the patriots will be last in their division? Have you seen the jets?
@ds106dc #tdc3737 "You know, Frank, I'm just saying, if these new-fangled short skirts keep up, the whole country is going to go corrupt."
— Katie Reif (@KatieReif6) April 6, 2022
Well, they are looking at those people who tried to end the world. #tdc3737 #ds106
— WorldEmpress (@WorldEmpress1) April 6, 2022
Frank: What is that base coach doing?
— AJ Lusty (@aj_lusty) April 6, 2022
Garry: No clue…@ds106dc @eng304cripps #tdc3737
Frank: What the heck is that, Garry?
— Sarah Honeychurch (@NomadWarMachine) April 6, 2022
Garry: I dunno, Frank, but it ain't cricket#tdc3737 #ds106
@ds106dc #tdc3737 My response for Today's #ds106 Daily Create is they're thinking of recruiting the cullens to play baseball for them
— Olivia Foster (@OliviaF98845588) April 6, 2022
@ds106dc @eng304cripps #tdc3737 My response for Today's #ds106 Daily Create is: NO Frank, you can not sell apple pie slices at a ball game. Turn that frown upside down Garry, havnt you heard the new Chevy Commercial?
— Vickie Libby (@ArtGeni777) April 6, 2022