Recent Create Responses
Out of 32944 total responses to 3487 dailies.
#dailycreate @ds106dc National Get Everything you want Day aka TREAT YOURSELF DAY #tdc1642
— Katie Rauchwarg (@kerauch8) July 7, 2016
#tdc1642 @ds106dc #ds106 Something for everyone--by definition. Get out there and calculate something!
— Sandy Brown Jensen (@sandramardene) July 7, 2016
#tdc1642 @ds106dc #ilt5340 #ds106 Holiday!
— Dan Clarke (@dcucdenver) July 7, 2016
Today is National introduce yourself to a stranger day. Just say hi, & what is your passion?
National Water Day! @ds106dc #tdc1642 #diglitclass
— Nancy Espino (@Nancy_Espinono) July 7, 2016
@ds106dc #tdc1642 For Today's #ds106 Daily Create: Do not despair, you sinister handed #lefthandersday exists!
— Mariana (@mdvfunes) July 7, 2016
Happy National love a plant day where every plant deserves to be hugged
— Adriel Brooks (@Chickfilalove87) July 7, 2016
@ds106dc #tdc1642