Recent Create Responses
Out of 32944 total responses to 3484 dailies.
I am in a jungle or forest of some sort & I have just awakened. Trees are everywhere and it has just rained with mist still floating in the air. It is morning and the sun peaks through the heavy tree branches. The birds who have also just woken up circle overhead. #tdc3788 #ds106
— tara (@taranavi) June 4, 2022
The photo: They are on a train to nowhere
— Wendy Taleo (@wentale) June 4, 2022
Audience: Guessing game....what key is he playing in? Put your entries in the barrel near the door.#ds106 #tdc3795 #myFest22
#tdc3795 #ds106
— Lauren Albert (@catlady74514922) June 3, 2022
Alright class! It’s time to learn about the most famous jazz musician of the era! Thelonious Monk!
Name a more recognizable hat #ds106 #tdc3792
— Evelyn (@FlOv_evelyn) June 3, 2022