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#tdc3600 #ds106 A Dozen of Anything EXCEPT Egg. 12 interesting pieces of whatnot. @ds106dc #12
— Under Taker (@Untertacker) June 12, 2022
Hallo @ds106dc I cannot find Moertellado. #ds106 #tdc3804
— AnnaCow (@AnnyCow) June 12, 2022
Moertellado is a ranch around here. But no mention of it is the Gogle. My guess is it has a connection with cheese?
@ds106dc #ds106 #tdc3804 #myFest22
— Jaap Bosman 𝄢 𝄞 (@JaapSoft) June 12, 2022
I never use Google, but do use Startpage. I did not find a thing on Bilbotisch. (is all aspects of a person reminding you of good old Bilbo from the Hobbits. #Dutch)
hineshesingly @ds106 #ds106 #tdc3804 #MYFest22
— Under Taker (@Untertacker) June 12, 2022
A hineshesingly is the thing we use to hinesh. @ds106dc
On this day Rosalinda Hendrix was born 1863. @ds106dc #tdc3804 #ds106
— profCaritat (@ProfCaritat) June 12, 2022
Rosalinda Hendrix invented the eipertor (1897) The eipertor is an important part of a byfoculous apologent. A statue is in Gration Town (VA)
@ds106dc #tdc3804 #ds106 I went here and got veravel, which is a particular cat behaviour which can be observed by those looking very closely at their cats/
— Sarah Honeychurch (@NomadWarMachine) June 12, 2022
Veravel (v): to run off with a ball of knitting yarn and pat it into a new shape.