Recent Create Responses
Out of 32944 total responses to 3482 dailies.
@ds106dc #tdc3827 @ds106 I came to be a bank clerk. Then the only mortician died. Someone had to dig his grave.
— Under Taker (@Untertacker) July 5, 2022
@ds106dc #tdc2078 And the other half of my defining moment: the PhD certificate (yes, it's framed on my wall!)
— Sarah Honeychurch (@NomadWarMachine) July 5, 2022
#tdc3827 #ds106 I didn't graduate in person for my PhD as it was during a pandemic. So my defining moment was a) an email to confirm I'd been awarded the PhD and b) a letter with my certificate. I blogged though
— Sarah Honeychurch (@NomadWarMachine) July 5, 2022
@ds106dc #ds106 #tdc3826 #myfest22 Something is watching us from up there. They want to know what we do. But we do wear hats to prevent identification.
— Under Taker (@Untertacker) July 4, 2022
@ds106dc #tdc3826 #ds106 Something is watching me. But I do wear a mask when on Interwebz. Nobody knows who I am.
— profCaritat (@ProfCaritat) July 4, 2022