Recent Create Responses
Out of 32944 total responses to 3479 dailies.
@ds106dc #tdc3882 My response for Today's #ds106 Daily Create is - Found in a book here: I imagine there's a guy who leaves selfie-style Polaroids in random books. He gets them through interlibrary loan so he can leave his trail across the country.
— paul bond (@phb256) August 29, 2022
@ds106dc #tdc3882 #Myfest22 #ds106 @dogtrax
— H. Kretschmer (@HAKretschmer) August 29, 2022
Found the "Ruler of the Seven Seas" certificate intriguing & was inspired to write the story in the newspaper clip below.
Used this newspaper clipping generator:
@ds106dc #tdc3882 #ds106 I buy bookmarks by the dozen , and can often not find one when I need one. Here's some recent purchases
— Sarah Honeychurch (@NomadWarMachine) August 29, 2022
@ds106dc #tdc3881 #Myfest22 #ds106
— H. Kretschmer (@HAKretschmer) August 28, 2022
Woo-hoo! I inherited a tiny, comfortable Hobbit home on Pitt Island, the 2nd largest island in the Chatham Archipelago, New Zealand. The isolated location is perfect for future vacations.
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