Daily Create Responses Tweeted by @VervilleDevon
7 total responses found since June 3, 2017
@eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc1999 We had to create a story using two images. pic.twitter.com/AT9bG6rqF0
— Devon Verville (@VervilleDevon) July 1, 2017
@eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc1993 For this Daily Create we had to edit our picture to make it look like a cartoon pic.twitter.com/jpbTSuCeQX
— Devon Verville (@VervilleDevon) June 26, 2017
@eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc1993 "Arsenal will win the league this season pic.twitter.com/M2Dh4dNGU1
— Devon Verville (@VervilleDevon) June 25, 2017
@eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc1985 The assignment made me think of a fantasy movie so this picture fits it perfectly. pic.twitter.com/uNSomalaa4
— Devon Verville (@VervilleDevon) June 17, 2017
@eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc1972 For today's daily create we had to pick a drink that defines us, I chose milk. pic.twitter.com/cws62C7ktr
— Devon Verville (@VervilleDevon) June 4, 2017
#tdc1971 @eng304cripps @ds106dc I enjoyed using this filter because if you look closely, it is entirely made up of letters and numbers. pic.twitter.com/tq5kVefHdf
— Devon Verville (@VervilleDevon) June 3, 2017