Daily Create Responses Tweeted by @tristandd2
40 total responses found since June 4, 2017
@ds106dc Made a meme out of this memorable line from Sessions' recent testimony #ds106 #dailycreate #tdc1984 pic.twitter.com/95VgXbbXyS
— Lower and deeper, to the masses (@leftistdd) June 15, 2017
#tdc1980 Made a meme of my species-challenged cat pic.twitter.com/MI9MUflg2B
— Lower and deeper, to the masses (@leftistdd) June 14, 2017
#tdc1982 I took this picture in 2011 in Florence, Italy, and gave it an HDR facelift in Photoshop. pic.twitter.com/xB1rk2AtuJ
— Lower and deeper, to the masses (@leftistdd) June 13, 2017
@ds106dc #tdc1973 RE:Today's #ds106 Daily Create This image reminds me that people are like icebergs: we only see a fraction of who they are pic.twitter.com/PcYgSag63N
— Lower and deeper, to the masses (@leftistdd) June 5, 2017