Daily Create Responses Tweeted by @tristandd2
40 total responses found since June 4, 2017
@ds106dc #ds106 #tdc1997 #30daytdc Nice Soothing Bicycle ride https://t.co/mQohq5rNHl via @GIPHY pic.twitter.com/06KDUHdD63
— Lower and deeper, to the masses (@leftistdd) June 28, 2017
#tdc1996 #30daytdc #ds106 Sometimes chairs are kept purely for their sentimental value pic.twitter.com/Il0SvN0PNL
— Lower and deeper, to the masses (@leftistdd) June 28, 2017
#tdc1995 "Ferris, my father loves this bug more than life itself!"
— Lower and deeper, to the masses (@leftistdd) June 26, 2017
"With priorities so out-of-whack he doesn't deserve such a nice bug."
#ds106 #tdc1994 #30daytdc "Photoshop Frustrations" pic.twitter.com/xYfX2BkAgA
— Lower and deeper, to the masses (@leftistdd) June 25, 2017
#ds106 #tdc1992 #30daytdc Well I'll be! I think I also found a radio frequency issuing from Planet Pruitt: https://t.co/DlKOGmRVi4
— Lower and deeper, to the masses (@leftistdd) June 23, 2017
#ds106 #tdc1992 #30daytdc Welcome to Planet Pruitt. pic.twitter.com/TSXR1ObtKq
— Lower and deeper, to the masses (@leftistdd) June 23, 2017
#ds106 #tdc1991 My lune celebrates a historically close race for Democrats in Georgia by a young candidate. pic.twitter.com/HwLSdvjKGo
— Lower and deeper, to the masses (@leftistdd) June 22, 2017
#ds106 #tdc1990 #30daytdc Sure, he's a racist good ol' boy, but Jeff can sure play a diddy or two pic.twitter.com/U9NtdF7rTO
— Lower and deeper, to the masses (@leftistdd) June 21, 2017
#ds106 #tdc1988 #30daytdc Am I biased to choose my own kitty Bernie, as seen here taking a selfie? pic.twitter.com/azl5PXegXM
— Lower and deeper, to the masses (@leftistdd) June 19, 2017
#tdc1986 #30daytdc #ds106 If you don't give me web traffic, you have a heart of coal! pic.twitter.com/fQvNnF2Oji
— Lower and deeper, to the masses (@leftistdd) June 17, 2017
#ds106 #tdc1985 my Surrealistic Bridge Poster, creepier than intended #30daytdc pic.twitter.com/tGTVN3T02S
— Lower and deeper, to the masses (@leftistdd) June 16, 2017