Daily Create Responses Tweeted by @telliowkuwp
24 total responses found since January 8, 2016
@ds106dc #tdc4034 My response for Today's #ds106 Daily Create is Riffusion: bluegrass rap fusion. https://t.co/HO7DKdBx3n
— Terry Elliott (@telliowkuwp) February 1, 2023
@ds106dc #tdc3955 #ds106 Well, I love this, but YMMV
— Terry Elliott (@telliowkuwp) November 11, 2022
https://t.co/tvhnhBoCo3…: https://t.co/pThKhbPB1z by Sarah Honeychurch #likedon @Inoreader
On This Day, All May Scribe and Scribble (on the occasion of the National Day of Writing, 2022) Join in at this link: https://t.co/CoV9IvBUWX #clmooc @ds106dc #tdc3933 #ds106 #writeout #dailycreate #smallpoems pic.twitter.com/0kIKpp1KE7
— Terry Elliott (@telliowkuwp) October 20, 2022
— Terry Elliott (@telliowkuwp) October 20, 2022
Glorious. https://t.co/Vdm1b7M2Aa@ds106dc #tdc3933 #ds106 #writeout #dailycreate #smallpoems Small Poem Project: Rainbow #clmooc pic.twitter.com/IoM6bj17B8
Backatcha, @dogtrax @ds106dc #tdc3797 #ds106 #dailycreate (trying out video maker in Canva that Kevin recommended.https://t.co/TqRc4XoCek
— Terry Elliott (@telliowkuwp) June 5, 2022
@ds106dc #tdc3788 My response for Today's #ds106 Daily Create is pic.twitter.com/QV6dEFwtQH
— Terry Elliott (@telliowkuwp) May 27, 2022
@ds106dc #tdc3674 #ds106 #dailycreate Palindrome (mirror) Poem for Palindrome Day (2-2-22) #smallpoems
— Terry Elliott (@telliowkuwp) February 2, 2022
Thoughts about thoughts,
axheads and axhandles and fireflies and stars,
thoughts about thoughts. pic.twitter.com/dDTHk2Yh6g
Going completely beyond the bend, an infinite ox bow in the river. https://t.co/qqR5Vk3q7T@ds106dc #tdc3460 #ds106 #dailycreate #smallpoems #poetry
— Terry Elliott (@telliowkuwp) July 5, 2021
@ds106dc #tdc3434 My response for Today's #ds106 Daily Create is: https://t.co/iBQJUeA4iU Reiterate.
— Terry Elliott (@telliowkuwp) June 10, 2021
drink from the well
— Terry Elliott (@telliowkuwp) January 1, 2021
of your self
and begin
charles bukowski@ds106dc #tdc3277 #ds106 Happy New Year pic.twitter.com/zUgiR9qpjn
@ds106dc #tdc3268 Today's #ds106 Daily Create is about masks and the horrors they conceal and reveal: https://t.co/6CeHlVs0tP
— Terry Elliott (@telliowkuwp) December 23, 2020