Daily Create Responses Tweeted by @sr_denaeyer
7 total responses found since July 16, 2017
The sound of my dog puking at 2 in the morning #tdc2018
— Shaniya DeNaeyer (@sr_denaeyer) July 31, 2017
#tdc2025 the big world from up here pic.twitter.com/cj5gY5YeeT
— Shaniya DeNaeyer (@sr_denaeyer) July 31, 2017
Generals gathered in their masses/ who can count the time that passes #tdc2023
— Shaniya DeNaeyer (@sr_denaeyer) July 31, 2017
#tdc2024 he wishes he got featured on shark week too.
— Shaniya DeNaeyer (@sr_denaeyer) July 31, 2017