Daily Create Responses Tweeted by @niall_barr
93 total responses found since May 4, 2016
@ds106dc #tdc2200 #ds106 Falling off a flat earth - you can try out at https://t.co/F4QnNDIktF (use Chrome, Firefox or Safari) pic.twitter.com/kwBVCVMpXN
— Niall Barr (@niall_barr) January 17, 2018
#tdc2199 Dream Car Conversation - Hopefully the cars of the future will know we drive on the wrong side of the road in the U.K. #ds106 pic.twitter.com/Fq87FswRVO
— Niall Barr (@niall_barr) January 16, 2018
For reasons of taste I've decided to increase my age by a week (or use the #2) https://t.co/0DzsamYxoJ #tdc2193
— Niall Barr (@niall_barr) January 10, 2018
#tdc2186 #ds106 Personally, I think a combination of cauliflower and potato would be more useful - an aloo gobi plant :-) pic.twitter.com/7MIuFEocRZ
— Niall Barr (@niall_barr) January 3, 2018
#tdc2185 How hovercraft fly (long ago I was an aero-engineering student) #ds106 pic.twitter.com/4kBSVl7yPN
— Niall Barr (@niall_barr) January 2, 2018
#tdc2184 & #jandoodle together - a Red Cardinal on the #tdc all time Leaderboard. #ds106 pic.twitter.com/MVezGmpfMJ
— Niall Barr (@niall_barr) January 1, 2018
I'm fairly sure my tonsurephobia is the result of dreadful haircuts, and subsequent teasing art school, as a child. #tdc2013 pic.twitter.com/M7FdNlbCuI
— Niall Barr (@niall_barr) October 2, 2017
@ds106dc #tdc2034 #ds106 You forgot about this lonely tree surrounded by the main building (and tourists). pic.twitter.com/282flDbS3i
— Niall Barr (@niall_barr) August 4, 2017
#tdc2016 #ds106 You can be far wilder in code mode! https://t.co/U39mkeAmph
— Niall Barr (@niall_barr) July 17, 2017
#ds106 #tdc2002 When in need of a growlery, I fire up band-in-a-box, and pretend I can play Jazz pic.twitter.com/FE7UeDCTgt
— Niall Barr (@niall_barr) July 3, 2017
#ds106 #tdc2001 A DS106 Odyssey pic.twitter.com/H5vF896B0f
— Niall Barr (@niall_barr) July 2, 2017