Daily Create Responses Tweeted by @MrsSandler85
26 total responses found since August 29, 2017
#tdc2109 @ds106dc hope this image brings you as much happiness as it brings me! Beauty in nature #inf103 #1inf115 pic.twitter.com/vzFGDB1CWW
— Allie (@MrsSandler85) October 18, 2017
#ds106 #tdc2103 always FAST when it comes to sucking a bottle down #inte5340 pic.twitter.com/3WwI0Qv9bR
— Allie (@MrsSandler85) October 12, 2017
#ds106 #tdc2093 who’s afraid of the boogie man? #inte5340 pic.twitter.com/DcFIXtXP6X
— Allie (@MrsSandler85) October 2, 2017