Daily Create Responses Tweeted by @jupiter_pop
83 total responses found since August 31, 2019
#tdc2883 #ds106 #dailycreate
— Jessica Patrick (@jupiter_pop) December 4, 2019
Spazzing - Being overly excited. "Stop spazzing -- you need to chill."
Toy dogs have no chill. They are always in spazz mode pic.twitter.com/g1Giu12XWw
#tdc2882 #ds106 #dailycreate
— Jessica Patrick (@jupiter_pop) December 3, 2019
Because it's Fall, and because I think of Holo from Spice & Wolf (a character that loves apples) when it's Fall, I turned into an apple~ pic.twitter.com/NW7ri6mYpl
#tdc2881 #ds106 #dailycreate
— Jessica Patrick (@jupiter_pop) December 2, 2019
Draw yourself as a storybook character, using your features as well as their characteristics?!
Well then, I drew myself as Zelena from OUAT, because I think I would be a misunderstood villain like her.
Except my envy would be artist's envy. >:- > pic.twitter.com/4FlqHE1tjP
#tdc2880 #ds106 #dailycreate
— Jessica Patrick (@jupiter_pop) December 1, 2019
I don't use calendars. I never remember to look at what I've written, so I either just keep dates in my head, or I make a note in my phone. However, I still put up a novelty calendar for decoration. This year was pugs. :- >
Happy December! pic.twitter.com/mO8ckvv2ra
#tdc2879 #ds106 #dailycreate
— Jessica Patrick (@jupiter_pop) November 30, 2019
I don't have a cat
Have doggo and goose instead
Honk! pic.twitter.com/s3kt2SJiS6
#tdc2878 #ds106 #dailycreate
— Jessica Patrick (@jupiter_pop) November 29, 2019
Hey look, one of my ideas got posted :- D
I did a bird maze doodle, because why not pic.twitter.com/CbzfMoNyGE
#tdc2876 #ds106 #dailycreate
— Jessica Patrick (@jupiter_pop) November 27, 2019
Creative Name: Jesting Jessica. Because I usually add humor to my posts, and I think I'm clever/funny, lol pic.twitter.com/inUo9OFkPt
#tdc2875 #ds106 #dailycreate
— Jessica Patrick (@jupiter_pop) November 26, 2019
You're forcing me to choose just one picture? We have 4 dogs at home, and my family members all have dogs...my bf has a dog...I have so many cute pictures!
But I'll go with our doodle puppy back when we first got her. She's a lot bigger now, lol. pic.twitter.com/njfq13Z8Fy
#tdc2874 #ds106 #dailycreate
— Jessica Patrick (@jupiter_pop) November 25, 2019
Hand Turkey?! Um, yes!
It turns out that my hand turkey is indignant and kind of sick of your sh*t, Karen, lol.
On a related note, I really need to cut my nails, but the sound upsets my dog. pic.twitter.com/tMnj4vc4MC