Daily Create Responses Tweeted by @HollisPultz
21 total responses found since May 22, 2018
#tdc2348 My response for Today's #ds106 Daily Create is the air vents in the UMW sound booth. pic.twitter.com/kpILocE5D6
— Hollis Pultz (@HollisPultz) June 16, 2018
#tdc2347 My response for Today's #ds106 Daily Create is whatever you want it to be. pic.twitter.com/yyUcqF8FA6
— Hollis Pultz (@HollisPultz) June 13, 2018
#tdc2346 #ds106 These two will probably have to come down soon. Enjoying them for a few more months. pic.twitter.com/GGi026Q00k
— Hollis Pultz (@HollisPultz) June 12, 2018
#tdc2343 My response for Today's #ds106 Daily Create is my ideal work-life balance. pic.twitter.com/8RH9u5xnjz
— Hollis Pultz (@HollisPultz) June 10, 2018
#tdc2341 #ds106 I want to teach people to let it wait. pic.twitter.com/4Be95w1KCw
— Hollis Pultz (@HollisPultz) June 8, 2018
#tdc2340 My response for Today's #ds106 Daily Create is eerily similar to @dogtrax, but I assure you that I made mine around 5:30 AM and am just now posting it. pic.twitter.com/oe91IXAI0Y
— Hollis Pultz (@HollisPultz) June 6, 2018
#tdc2339 My response for Today's #ds106 Daily Create is totally going to win the race. Hares watch out. pic.twitter.com/EoWUcjcOOH
— Hollis Pultz (@HollisPultz) June 5, 2018
#tdc2336 My response for Today's #ds106 Daily Create is a little too poetic for plain text. pic.twitter.com/IQyCTcIpHM
— Hollis Pultz (@HollisPultz) June 3, 2018