Daily Create Responses Tweeted by @ErieHess
6 total responses found since June 9, 2017
Horror Sounds from the OP 1 Synth. Terrifying 😳😳😳#inte5340 @ds106dc #tdc2018 pic.twitter.com/2fPUCKl5JV
— ErieHess (@ErieHess) July 19, 2017
John Muir off beat... #inte5340 #tdc2008 @ds106dc pic.twitter.com/yr1779Pb8z
— ErieHess (@ErieHess) July 11, 2017
The eastern plains of Colorado at daybreak always help balance my brainwaves. @ds106dc #inte5340 #tdc2002 pic.twitter.com/Pe0h6bcBuV
— ErieHess (@ErieHess) July 6, 2017
Oy/Yo sculpture by DKass remixed. #inte5340 #tdc1996 @ds106dc pic.twitter.com/MaTFMiDn3Z
— ErieHess (@ErieHess) June 27, 2017