Daily Create Responses Tweeted by @DrGarcia
13 total responses found since September 5, 2015
#tdc4127 @ds106dc #ds106 https://t.co/SVAPTx0MRk mate, cause it's your birthday (well, it Was future man 🦾🥾🤘🖤) #4LIFE
— GNA Garcia (@DrGarcia) May 2, 2023
#tdc2734 #ds106 "Make the New Old" #loverspointbeachPG @ds106dc https://t.co/KVSZLniQs3
— GNA Garcia (@DrGarcia) July 7, 2019
Orange @ds106dc #tdc1813 https://t.co/9OlAqL0idP
— GNA Garcia (@DrGarcia) December 26, 2016
#ds106 #tdc1740 the magic out my window today pic.twitter.com/TjRAthNhyV
— GNA Garcia (@DrGarcia) October 13, 2016
weird semi colon Ziggy #dailycreate #tdc1582 @ds106dc https://t.co/5yuz4ujINg
— GNA Garcia (@DrGarcia) May 9, 2016
Westward Ho! #tdc1503 @ds106dc #western106 #ds106 https://t.co/0nvfwpcEJ1
— GNA Garcia (@DrGarcia) February 20, 2016
@ds106dc #tdc1473 @AnnyCow moo. :) pic.twitter.com/GWeC20gG4D
— GNA Garcia (@DrGarcia) January 21, 2016
Westernly lights. #tdc1445 @ds106dc #ds106 pic.twitter.com/4nAbuG3UdM
— GNA Garcia (@DrGarcia) December 24, 2015
@ds106dc #tdc1426 still deciding if this is relaxing pic.twitter.com/kVvivfR12t
— GNA Garcia (@DrGarcia) December 6, 2015
@ds106dc #ds106 #dailycreate #tdc1349 @jimgroom @ator and family tribute (con amor y amor!) https://t.co/XBEUKUaosP
— GNA Garcia (@DrGarcia) September 21, 2015