Daily Create Responses Tweeted by @Dee_PhotoTutor
181 total responses found since March 15, 2018
#tdc2436 - this badge is awarded to everyone :) pic.twitter.com/HQL3RtJRPj
— D_Casement (@Dee_PhotoTutor) September 20, 2018
#tdc2434 - Ridiculous latte - here you can find a latte on the moon... pic.twitter.com/qvk5mSnTXc
— D_Casement (@Dee_PhotoTutor) September 20, 2018
#tdc2433 - How did I become a superhero. This is a superhero with a small 's'. I'm Digital-D, the computer whizz and pixel pusher extraordinaire:) pic.twitter.com/QF4FPKX7iq
— D_Casement (@Dee_PhotoTutor) September 19, 2018
#tdc2432 #itsallaboutheshades #cool cool in the shades. This is the Belfast Drawing Offices before it was done up in 2017 pic.twitter.com/hmFzoBO0fb
— D_Casement (@Dee_PhotoTutor) September 19, 2018
#tdc2431 it’s not terribly tiny. I finer tipped pen would help. pic.twitter.com/gNBgZTUsIR
— D_Casement (@Dee_PhotoTutor) September 19, 2018
#tdc2430 two parts of the same bridge pic.twitter.com/gqMaq4SPSN
— D_Casement (@Dee_PhotoTutor) September 19, 2018
#tdc2429 - #knocking #strangelyhttps://t.co/uLE1nkV6w9
— D_Casement (@Dee_PhotoTutor) September 19, 2018
#tdc2428 #foldingshadows #abstract pic.twitter.com/AzAyAGaO4K
— D_Casement (@Dee_PhotoTutor) September 19, 2018
#tdc2427 - i took a trip on the train and was one of the first people to reach the end destination to set up home and help colonize the area. It's scary and exciting all at the same time.
— D_Casement (@Dee_PhotoTutor) September 19, 2018
#tdc2426 - i would travel back in time to when I was a kid with no stress :) I'd need to learn to drive first :/ pic.twitter.com/J2PmiyGiUd
— D_Casement (@Dee_PhotoTutor) September 19, 2018
#tdc2397 a handful of small flat round discs from yesteryear that would no longer buy you anything. These are decommissioned and may be in 1/4's, 1/2's or full units. Silver and copper. Heavier than today's metal money and more nostalgic.
— D_Casement (@Dee_PhotoTutor) August 24, 2018